It can happen to anyone.....
My brother has been always "I thought" a good example to follow when it came to eating healthy... lots of vitamins, healthy food (poor), protein shakes, lots of exercise and a very active life. It turns out that he was missing a lot, a lot of what we all need and even he was not eating "junk" his immune system was going down... way down without knowing, and one day pooffed... he collapsed, from a common cold he got a bacteria and that followed a rare disease or syndrome called..."Guillain-Barre syndrome", have you ever heard of it?(Guillain-Barre syndrome is an uncommon disorder in which your body's immune system attacks your nerves). Do you know what it does to you? do you know how to cure it?, do you know what to do to prevent it? well apparently it does something really bad, well actually, it is obviously it does something really really bad to you...Guillain-Barre syndrome is a medical emergency requiring hospitalization, in severe cases, Guillain-Barre syndrome can transform you from healthy and independent to critically ill and physically helpless — suddenly, and without warning. How to cure it? unfortunately there's no known cure for Guillain-Barre syndrome, but several treatments can ease symptoms and reduce the duration of the illness, so, does that mean it can come back? and how to prevent it? well... try to have your immune system as good as possible...... and how can I do that?
Eat more fruits and vegetables." Over the years, people have found countless ways to ignore that advice. "I don't have time." "It's too much trouble." Medical science reminds us almost every day that good nutrition and good health go hand in hand, especially when it comes to the healthful benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. I am not a doctor but what I am is a mother and a wife who does not want to be paralyzed in a bed not for ever not for 1 day, and mostly will not want to have my kids or husband in that situation... I see my mother crying in every corner just by seeing her son in that situation... as a sister it was not nice at all either... so what am I doing? preventing the way I can... get my immune system best possible and at least try to avoid that horrible situation.
AND, we are back to the same thing...JUICEPLUS+ is the easiest way to get all those nutrients you and your immune system need to be healthy and prevent horrible diseases.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Blueberries are not only delicious....
Blueberries are not only delicious; they are healthy and rich in antioxidants. Blueberries are healthful and delicious. They are ranked number one in antioxidants among all fruits and vegetables. Cooking destroys some of the vitamin C in the fresh ones, but who would want to cook Bleuberries if they are so delicious raw.
Did you know?
Just as Juice Plus+® Orchard and Garden blends are the next best thing to fruits and vegetables, Juice Plus+ Vineyard Blend provides added nutrition from berries and grapes in a convenient capsule form. Specifically, Vineyard Blend provides whole food based nutrition from Concord grapes and a wide variety of berries - including blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, bilberries, and elderberries - that provide some of nature's most powerful and healthful antioxidants.
Did you know?
Just as Juice Plus+® Orchard and Garden blends are the next best thing to fruits and vegetables, Juice Plus+ Vineyard Blend provides added nutrition from berries and grapes in a convenient capsule form. Specifically, Vineyard Blend provides whole food based nutrition from Concord grapes and a wide variety of berries - including blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, bilberries, and elderberries - that provide some of nature's most powerful and healthful antioxidants.
Monday, October 25, 2010
JUICEPLUS+ helps me!
I believe JUICEPLUS+ has helped me big time with this.
It’s weird for me to even write this, but it has been nearly 2 years since I’ve had any illness.
Seriously, not even a cold.
Like most people, I used to get a cold once or twice a year. And every few years I would get a nasty flu that would keep me in bed for days.
That’s just life, I assumed.
Is it really?
Since I’ve been taking better care of myself I really haven’t gotten sick at all. I have to say I have to attribute this streak of robust health to my fruits & vegetable-filled diet and subsequently invincible immune system, of course there are other factors that play important roles in keeping me healthy of course.
Some of these tips I picked up by seeing first-hand in a hospital and talking to nurses and doctors how easily germs are transmitted and propagated.
It’s weird for me to even write this, but it has been nearly 2 years since I’ve had any illness.
Seriously, not even a cold.
Like most people, I used to get a cold once or twice a year. And every few years I would get a nasty flu that would keep me in bed for days.
That’s just life, I assumed.
Is it really?
Since I’ve been taking better care of myself I really haven’t gotten sick at all. I have to say I have to attribute this streak of robust health to my fruits & vegetable-filled diet and subsequently invincible immune system, of course there are other factors that play important roles in keeping me healthy of course.
Some of these tips I picked up by seeing first-hand in a hospital and talking to nurses and doctors how easily germs are transmitted and propagated.
· Don’t touch your face. (chances are some germs will find a way to survive there)
· Avoid sick people. (Germs are everywhere, but they are particularly concentrated in people who are sick)
· Don’t eat group food. (No double dipping)
· Don’t drink alcohol. (drinking large amounts affects your immune system, making it weaker for 24 hours)
· Hydrate.
· Eat well. (Fruits and vegetables) Get nutritious and healthy. JUICE PLUS+ will help you with this.
Since someone will probably ask, no I do not get flu shots. To tell you the truth a painful injection to prevent illnesses I don’t get is not a huge priority for me.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Ahora estoy vendiendo JuicePlus+
Ahora estoy vendiendo Juice Plus+, lo más parecido a las frutas y verduras y todos los nutrientes y beneficios de ellos. Visita mi pagina web @ Si tienes alguna pregunta o estás interesado sólo mandame un mensaje o correo electrónico @ También tengo un blog para que puedas conocer mejor y más fácil de lo que el producto es y por qué es tan bueno para nosotros. Bill, yo, Chaz y Brett lo tomamos y no me cansare de decirte todas las cosas maravillosas acerca de él. No comemos diariamente lo suficiente, por eso he incluido JuicePlus+ a nuestra dieta diaria y los beneficios son ilimitados.
Pruebalas por ti mismo, no te vas a decepcionar.
Pruebalas por ti mismo, no te vas a decepcionar.
What a deal, ALL the nutrients in one little capsule!!
JuicePlus+!!! What a deal 17 different fruits, veggies & whole grains in one little capsule. Great way for you and your family to get ALL the nutrition we ALL need on a daily basis. To learn more about JuicePlus+ visit
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I am now selling JuicePlus+ - Interested?
I'm now selling Juice Plus+, The next best thing to fruits and vegetables. I would like for you all to check out my website @ If you have any questions or interested just shoot me a message or email me @ I also have a blog @ so you can get to know better and easier what the product is about and why is so good for you. Me and my family take it and can't tell you enough all the wonderful things about it.
Just try for yourself, you will not be dissapointed.
Just try for yourself, you will not be dissapointed.
Juice Plus+® ayuda a proteger el ADN - Te interesa saber?
Yo no tenia ni idea de nada de esto, pero que satisfaccion, alegria y tranquilidad saber que tomamos JuicePlus+, no solo Bill y yo sino Chaz y Brett tambien.
Y que es el ADN?
El ADN es una lista de instrucciones que indica nuestro cuerpo qué hacer. Mediante la protección de nuestro ADN, ayuda a proteger nuestra vista y la memoria. También retrasa el envejecimiento, prevenir el cáncer, enfermedades cardíacas y la diabetes. Pero sobre todo, estos alimentos ayudan a mantenernos, vernos y sentirnos muy bien!
A medida que envejecemos cada año nuestro ADN no funciona igual de bien. El ADN es una lista de instrucciones que almacenamos en nuestro cuerpo que le dice a nuestro cuerpo qué hacer. El daño a nuestras pilas de ADN puede conducir a cambios en nuestros genes. Estos cambios conducen a la enfermedad cardíaca, cáncer, arrugas y otros daños a nuestro cuerpo.
Cómo protegemos nuestro ADN? Una dieta rica en nutrientes de las frutas y verduras es importante para proteger el ADN del daño oxidativo, que puede debilitar la integridad estructural del ADN.
ADN se daña y se debilita cuando está expuesto al estrés oxidativo, antioxidantes de frutas y verduras puede ayudar a proteger el ADN de este daño. Los estudios realizados han demostrado una reducción de daño en el ADN después de incluir Juice Plus+ en adultos jóvenes en la Universidad de Florida y en una población anciana en la Universidad Brigham Young.
A medida que envejecemos cada año nuestro ADN no funciona igual de bien. El ADN es una lista de instrucciones que almacenamos en nuestro cuerpo que le dice a nuestro cuerpo qué hacer. El daño a nuestras pilas de ADN puede conducir a cambios en nuestros genes. Estos cambios conducen a la enfermedad cardíaca, cáncer, arrugas y otros daños a nuestro cuerpo.
Cómo protegemos nuestro ADN? Una dieta rica en nutrientes de las frutas y verduras es importante para proteger el ADN del daño oxidativo, que puede debilitar la integridad estructural del ADN.
ADN se daña y se debilita cuando está expuesto al estrés oxidativo, antioxidantes de frutas y verduras puede ayudar a proteger el ADN de este daño. Los estudios realizados han demostrado una reducción de daño en el ADN después de incluir Juice Plus+ en adultos jóvenes en la Universidad de Florida y en una población anciana en la Universidad Brigham Young.
Juice Plus+® helps protect DNA. - Do you know enough to care?
I did not know anything about this... but I am so glad not only me and Bill are taking JuicePlus+, but so thankful cause Chaz & Brett are too.
DNA is a list of instructions that tells our bodies what to do. By protecting our DNA, we help protect our eyesight and memory. We also slow down aging, prevent cancer, heart disease and diabetes. But most of all, these foods help keep us looking and feeling great!
As we get older each year our DNA doesn’t work as well. DNA is a list of instructions that we store in our body that tells our body what to do. Damage to our DNA piles up and can lead to changes in our genes. These changes lead to heart disease, cancer, wrinkles and other damage to our bodies.
How do we protect our DNA? A diet rich in nutrition from fruits and vegetables is important to protect DNA from oxidative damage, which can weaken the structural integrity of DNA. DNA becomes damaged and fragile when exposed to oxidative stress; antioxidants from fruits and vegetables can help protect DNA from this damage. Studies conducted have shown a reduction in DNA damage after taking Juice Plus+ in young adults at the University of Florida and in an elderly population at Brigham Young University.
Get your JuicePlus+ at
DNA is a list of instructions that tells our bodies what to do. By protecting our DNA, we help protect our eyesight and memory. We also slow down aging, prevent cancer, heart disease and diabetes. But most of all, these foods help keep us looking and feeling great!
As we get older each year our DNA doesn’t work as well. DNA is a list of instructions that we store in our body that tells our body what to do. Damage to our DNA piles up and can lead to changes in our genes. These changes lead to heart disease, cancer, wrinkles and other damage to our bodies.
How do we protect our DNA? A diet rich in nutrition from fruits and vegetables is important to protect DNA from oxidative damage, which can weaken the structural integrity of DNA. DNA becomes damaged and fragile when exposed to oxidative stress; antioxidants from fruits and vegetables can help protect DNA from this damage. Studies conducted have shown a reduction in DNA damage after taking Juice Plus+ in young adults at the University of Florida and in an elderly population at Brigham Young University.
Get your JuicePlus+ at
Juice PLUS+® aiuta a proteggere il DNA - Per noi e per i nostri figli
Non avevo idea di tutto questo, ma che, di gioia e soddisfazione la tranquillità di sapere che noi JuicePlus +, non solo Bill e me, ma Chaz e Brett troppo.
Il DNA è una lista di istruzioni che indicano il nostro corpo cosa fare.Proteggendo il nostro DNA, aiutiamo proteggere la nostra vista e la memoria. Abbiamo anche rallentare l'invecchiamento, prevenire il cancro, malattie cardiache e diabete. Ma soprattutto, questi alimenti aiutano a mantenere noi guardare e sentirsi grande!
Un'alimentazione ricca di frutta e verdura protegge efficacemente il DNA da danni ossidativi, che possono indebolire l'integrità strutturale dello stesso. Il DNA diventa fragile e subisce dei danni in seguito ad esposizione a stress ossidativo e gli antiossidanti di frutta e verdura possono aiutarci a proteggerlo. Gli studi portati a termine su soggetti giovani alla University of Florida ae su soggetti anziani dalla Brigham Young University hanno dimostrato una riduzione del danno al DNA in seguito al consumo di Juice Plus+®.
Prendi il tuo JuicePlus+ a
Monday, October 11, 2010
Juice Plus+ no es....
Todos deberíamos comer gran variedad de frutas y verduras de forma diaria, de 5 a 9 raciones como mínimo según la Organización Mundial de la Salud y la mayoría de las organizaciones internacionales de salud. Juice Plus+® proporciona nutrición integral de 17 frutas, verduras y cereales distintos porque a menudo no tomamos ni siquiera el mínimo diario.
Juice Plus+® nos ayuda a conseguir una dieta equilibrada que, a largo plazo, nos ayuda a crear un mejor nivel de bienestar y estilo de vida. Por otra parte, muchas de las ventajas saludables de Juice Plus+® han sido constatadas por investigaciones clínicas llevadas a cabo por investigadores en los principales hospitales y universidades de todo el mundo, publicadas en revistas científicas especializadas.
Juice Plus+® contiene una variedad de vitaminas naturales y otros antioxidantes y fitonutrientes. Juice Plus+® nos proporciona el efecto sinérgico de todos estos micronutrientes.
La ingestión regular y diaria de frutas y verduras contribuye a mantener un bienestar general, y por ello Juice PLUS+® debe tomarse de forma continuada. Por esta razón, NSA creó el Programa de Cliente Privilegiado, a través del cual podemos enviar el producto a tu propia casa, directamente del fabricante y a un precio excepcional, lo que hace posible que dispongas de la ayuda nutricional necesaria para cada día. Juice PLUS+® necesita a alguien que pueda argumentar a favor de Juice Plus+® y pueda ganarse la confianza de un cliente y ayudarle a integrar el producto a su estilo de vida, y no hay nadie mejor que otro cliente satisfecho para explicar las ventajas de Juice Plus+®.
Cos'è un antiossidante?
Gli antiossidanti sono molecole che, rallentando o prevenendo l'ossidazione di altre molecole, diminuiscono la produzione di radicali liberi, responsabili dell'avvio di reazioni a catena che danneggiano le cellule. Esempi di antiossidanti sono il beta-carotene, il licopene, le vitamine C ed E, ed altre sostanze.
La frutta e la verdura contengono una serie di potenti antiossidanti, che proteggono il nostro corpo:
La frutta e la verdura contengono una serie di potenti antiossidanti, che proteggono il nostro corpo:
- Il Beta-carotene è presente in molti frutti e ortaggi di colore arancione, tra cui le carote; inoltre alcune verdure a foglia verde, come spinaci e cavolo sono ricchi di questa sostanza.
- La Luteina, conosciuta prevalentemente per i suoi effetti benefici sugli occhi, si trova in abbondanti quantità nelle verdure a foglia verde come spinaci e cavolo.
- Il Licopene è un potente antiossidante abbondante nei pomodori.
- La Vitamina C è presente in molti frutti e verdure come le mele, le arance, l'ananas, le ciliegie acerola, la papaya, le carote, il prezzemolo, il cavolo verde, i broccoli, i cavoli, gli spinaci e i pomodori.
- La Vitamina E è un potente antiossidante che si trova in verdure a foglia verde, come spinaci e broccoli
- I Polifenoli che si trovano nelle bacche e nell'uva così come in alcuni ortaggi
Ok, che è JuicePlus+?
Ok, che è JuicePlus+? In conclusione ... sono alcune capsule e Gummies come vuoi .... di pura frutta e verdura. Vai al mio sito web o la mia blog se avete visto per le informazioni in modo più dettagliato ... non sono le vitamine, Juice Plus+® fornisce l'alimentazione globale, anche concentrati di succo del 17 frutta, verdura e cereali osso diversi in breve frutta concentrati e verdura, così li chiamo io. Sì, li vendono, davvero bisogno di iniziare con questo bisogno non solo l'indipendenza economica, ma perché credo al 100% nel prodotto ei suoi benefici ... leggere il mio blog e il mio sito web a leggere più nel dettaglio ... Ci sono studi medici dei suoi vantaggi ... L'osso non è una vitamina, ma più o pirateria. Se non fosse stato qualcosa che davvero non pensavo che non mi consiglia. Non solo per gli adulti, ma per i bambini. Abbiamo provato tra i miei amici come i bambini si sa che sono malati, non portarlo più spesso di quanto vs Quindi, se si prende. Se siete interessati fatemelo sapere.
5+ al giorno
La Commissione Europea concorda con l’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità raccomandando “di adottare un’alimentazione nutrizionalmente ricca e bilanciata prevalentemente basata su una grande varietà di alimenti integrali di origine vegetale, e quindi di mangiare almeno 400-600g di diversi tipi di frutta e verdura, preferibilmente locale ogni giorno."
Questa raccomandazione viene rinforzata attraverso campagne nazionali, da parte di enti preposti in ciascun paese in tutto il mondo, con lo slogan “5 al giorno per una salute migliore”.
Questa raccomandazione viene rinforzata attraverso campagne nazionali, da parte di enti preposti in ciascun paese in tutto il mondo, con lo slogan “5 al giorno per una salute migliore”.
La ricerca scientifica ha provato che gli elementi nutrizionali contenuti in frutta e verdura ci proteggono dagli effetti potenzialmente dannosi dei radicali liberi, principali responsabili dello stress ossidativo, aiutandoci a mantenere la salute più a lungo.
Nel 2003, una commissione internazionale per l’OMS e la FAO ha valutato la concretezza delle prove in merito alla relazione tra consumo di frutta e verdura e mantenimento dello stato di salute. La commissione ha conseguentemente concluso che esistono convincenti prove della relazione tra un aumentato consumo di frutta e verdura e il loro benefico effetto sulla nostra salute.
Nel 2003, una commissione internazionale per l’OMS e la FAO ha valutato la concretezza delle prove in merito alla relazione tra consumo di frutta e verdura e mantenimento dello stato di salute. La commissione ha conseguentemente concluso che esistono convincenti prove della relazione tra un aumentato consumo di frutta e verdura e il loro benefico effetto sulla nostra salute.
Da sempre ci sentiamo ripetere: bisogna mangiare più frutta e verdura! Ora anche la scienza medica ce lo dice... ma saperlo è una cosa, è farlo che è difficile.
Frutta e verdura non sono sostituibili. Le vitamine da sole non possono replicare le migliaia di diversi elementi nutrizionali contenuti in frutta e verdura fresca.
Abbiamo bisogno di più nutrizione integrale!
Frutta, verdura e bacche, tutto in uno
Nonostante le crescenti prove scientifiche e una sempre maggiore presa di coscienza da parte dell'opinione pubblica, molto spesso a causa dei ritmi della vita moderna, non è sempre facile fare ciò che, si sa, è salutare per il proprio benessere.
Se al giorno d'oggi queste cose sono risapute, perché allora non mangiamo meglio? "Ho poco tempo." "E' troppo laborioso." "Non mi piace il sapore dei broccoli..." E mentre scienziati e nutrizionisti continuano a scoprire sempre nuovi benefici nutrizionali di frutta e verdura, forse noi dovremmo veramente fermarci e riflettere...
Frutta e verdura in grande verietà ogni giorno sono insostituibili ma, se sei come tutti noi, a volte è difficile organizzarsi.
L'Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca per gli Alimenti e la Nutrizione ha reso noto che il consumo medio di frutta e verdura in Italia nel 2004 era di 2.85 porzioni giornaliere contro le 5 raccomandate dall'OMS.
Ecco perché esiste Juice PLUS+®. Un modo semplice, pratico e conveniente per supportare la nostra alimentazione quotidiana grazie all'essenza nutrizionale di 26 diversi tipi di frutta, verdura e bacche. Ogni componente è stato specificatamente selezionato per fornire la più ampia gamma di benefici nutrizionali.
Juice PLUS+® non è un supporto di vitamine isolate, di singoli nutrienti.
Juice PLUS+® la cosa più prossima a frutta, verdura e bacche!
Friday, October 8, 2010
What are you waiting for?
I will never get tired of saying the same over and over just baceuse I care, one day you'll get it just as I did!
Experts agree: the best way to reduce your risk of disease is to eat healthier. Almost every day, another piece of research or another news story touts the importance of our dietary choices — especially the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables.
Whether it's a new vitamin, an antioxidant, or some other phytonutrients not yet "discovered" by science, fruits and vegetables contain an unparalleled array of nutritional elements that offer numerous health benefits for our bodies. And, the thousands of nutrients found in fruits and vegetables work together in ways that science is just beginning to explore.
The message is clear: we need more of the healthful whole food nutrition of fruits and vegetables in our diets, every day. It's the one thing everyone agrees we can do to improve our health and reduce our risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
AND, what is JuicePlus+ ? JuicePlus+ = Fruits and vegetables = Healthy bodies.
So, what are you waiting for?
Experts agree: the best way to reduce your risk of disease is to eat healthier. Almost every day, another piece of research or another news story touts the importance of our dietary choices — especially the benefits of eating more fruits and vegetables.
Whether it's a new vitamin, an antioxidant, or some other phytonutrients not yet "discovered" by science, fruits and vegetables contain an unparalleled array of nutritional elements that offer numerous health benefits for our bodies. And, the thousands of nutrients found in fruits and vegetables work together in ways that science is just beginning to explore.
The message is clear: we need more of the healthful whole food nutrition of fruits and vegetables in our diets, every day. It's the one thing everyone agrees we can do to improve our health and reduce our risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
AND, what is JuicePlus+ ? JuicePlus+ = Fruits and vegetables = Healthy bodies.
So, what are you waiting for?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Juice PLUS+ è
Juice PLUS+® è nutrizione a base completa. Contiene le polveri dei succhi di 26 diversi tipi di frutta, verdura e bacche dove ciascun ingrediente è stato specificamente selezionato per fornire la più ampia gamma di benefici nutrizionali.
Juice PLUS+® è un complemento ad un'alimentazione salutare. Juice Plus+® è un modo semplice, pratico e conveniente per aggiungere più nutrizione da frutta, verdura e bacche alle nostre abitudini alimentari quotidiane.
Juice PLUS+® ha al suo attivo un ampio curriculum di studi scientifici condotti da ricercatori di prestigiosi ospedali e università in tutto il mondo e pubblicati da importanti riviste scientifiche internazionali.
Juice PLUS+® viene raccomandato da migliaia di professionisti benessere in tutto il mondo.
Aggiungi JuicePlus alla tua dieta in modo da poter ancora godere la vostra pizza tutti i giorni deliziosi senza rimpianti.
Juice PLUS+® è un complemento ad un'alimentazione salutare. Juice Plus+® è un modo semplice, pratico e conveniente per aggiungere più nutrizione da frutta, verdura e bacche alle nostre abitudini alimentari quotidiane.
Juice PLUS+® ha al suo attivo un ampio curriculum di studi scientifici condotti da ricercatori di prestigiosi ospedali e università in tutto il mondo e pubblicati da importanti riviste scientifiche internazionali.
Juice PLUS+® viene raccomandato da migliaia di professionisti benessere in tutto il mondo.
Aggiungi JuicePlus alla tua dieta in modo da poter ancora godere la vostra pizza tutti i giorni deliziosi senza rimpianti.
Will you understand? Volete capire?
Just in case when you visit my site you can always change to the language you prefer... so you will not miss a thing.!
Any question, you can still contact me.
Just because JuicePlus+ Children's Health Study if you wish to get your (1) free child product for (1) paying adult, I will need to place the order myself, to enroll the child in the study. Otherwise, you can go ahead and place your order direct thru my site.
Solo nel caso in cui si visita il mio sito è sempre possibile cambiare la lingua che preferite ... in modo da non perdere nulla.!Tutta la domanda, è comunque possibile contattarmi.Solo perché JuicePlus + Children's Health Study se si desidera ottenere il vostro (1) prodotto gratuito per bambini (1) adulto pagante, ho bisogno di effettuare l'ordine me stesso, di iscrivere il bambino nello studio. In caso contrario, si può andare avanti e di effettuare l'ordine direttamente tramite il mio sito.
Any question, you can still contact me.
Just because JuicePlus+ Children's Health Study if you wish to get your (1) free child product for (1) paying adult, I will need to place the order myself, to enroll the child in the study. Otherwise, you can go ahead and place your order direct thru my site.
Solo nel caso in cui si visita il mio sito è sempre possibile cambiare la lingua che preferite ... in modo da non perdere nulla.!Tutta la domanda, è comunque possibile contattarmi.Solo perché JuicePlus + Children's Health Study se si desidera ottenere il vostro (1) prodotto gratuito per bambini (1) adulto pagante, ho bisogno di effettuare l'ordine me stesso, di iscrivere il bambino nello studio. In caso contrario, si può andare avanti e di effettuare l'ordine direttamente tramite il mio sito.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Ok, y a la final que es JuicePlus+
Ok, que es JuicePlus+? En conclusion… son unas capsulas o gummies como las quieras….de puro fruta y vegetales. Ve a mi pagina o a mi blog si lo has visto para que te enteres con mas detalle... no son vitaminas, Juice Plus+® proporciona la nutrición integral, incluyendo los zumos concentrados de 17 frutas, verduras y cereales diferentes osea en pocas palabras frutas y vegetales concentrados, asi les llamo yo. Si, yo las vendo, en realidad empeze con esto no solo por necesidad de independencia economica sino porque creo 100% en el producto y sus beneficios... lee mi blog y mi pagina para que leas con mas detalles... hay estudios medicos de sus beneficios... osea que no es una vitamina mas o una pirateria mas. Si no fuera algo que de verdad no creyera no lo recomendaria. No solo para adultos sino para niños. Hemos probado entre mis amistades como los niños que conocemos que no lo toman se enferman con mas frecuencia que vs. lo que si lo toman. Si te interesa avisame.
Are you ready to be Healthy?
Are you ready to make a change for you and your family and be as HEALTHY as possible? Do you think about you and your family's health in the future? I have the magic capsule or gummies that can help you do that! It's called JuicePlus+, and there's no better time than now to get started! Holidays are right around the corner and I don't want my kids, my husband or myself to get sick. Let me know if you want more information! I'd love to share it with you! 17 fruits and veggies in a capsule or can't get any easier than that.
Ask me about JuicePlus+!
¿Estás listo para hacer un cambio para ti y tu familia y estar lo más sano posible? ¿Piensas en la salud futura de tu familia? Tengo la cápsula mágica o gomitas que pueden ayudarte a lograrlo! Se llama JuicePlus+, y no hay mejor momento que ahora para empezar! Las vacaciones estan a la vuelta de la esquina y yo no quiero que mis hijos, mi marido o yo nos enfermemos. Avisame si quieres saber mas! Me encantaría compartirlo contigo! 17 frutas y vegetales en una cápsula o gomitas ... no lo puedes hacer más fácil que eso.
Preguntame sobre JuicePlus+
Ask me about JuicePlus+!
¿Estás listo para hacer un cambio para ti y tu familia y estar lo más sano posible? ¿Piensas en la salud futura de tu familia? Tengo la cápsula mágica o gomitas que pueden ayudarte a lograrlo! Se llama JuicePlus+, y no hay mejor momento que ahora para empezar! Las vacaciones estan a la vuelta de la esquina y yo no quiero que mis hijos, mi marido o yo nos enfermemos. Avisame si quieres saber mas! Me encantaría compartirlo contigo! 17 frutas y vegetales en una cápsula o gomitas ... no lo puedes hacer más fácil que eso.
Preguntame sobre JuicePlus+
Still another choice... y aun otra alternativa mas...
And still another choice... y aun otro para escoger...
Juice Plus+ Complete® is a whole food based beverage product that provides balanced nutrition in every scoop. Juice Plus+ Complete can be used in any number of ways: as a healthful "on-the-go" breakfast, pre-exercise energy drink, post-workout recovery drink, or a late night snack. It comes in your choice of two delicious flavors: French Vanilla and Dutch Chocolate.
Juice Plus+® Complete es una bebida basada en alimentos integrales que proporciona un gran valor nutritivo en cada sorbo. Juice Plus+® Complete puedes utilizarlo de diferentes maneras: como un fantástico desayuno para tomar "sobre la marcha", como bebida energética para tomar antes de hacer ejercicio, como bebida revitalizante para después del ejercicio físico, como un snack para antes de acostarte o como sustituto de una comida completa si lo que deseas es controlar tu peso. Puedes escoger entre dos deliciosos sabores: Vainilla y Chocolate.
Another choice, for your kids maybe?... Otra alternativa...para tus hijos quizas?
And here is another... y aqui hay otra....
Juice Plus+® Orchard and Garden Blend Chewables delivers the same fruit and vegetable powder blends as the Juice Plus+ capsules but in a tasty, soft chewable form. Its appealing taste comes from two all-natural sweeteners - tapioca syrup and organic cane syrup - with absolutely no high fructose corn syrup. Juice Plus+ Chewables contain no artificial flavors or artificial colors and are 100% vegetarian; the 'chewiness' comes from fruit pectins, not gelatin. Kids will also benefit from these chewables, Chaz & Brett loves them and sometimes I have to hide them so they don't eat them as candy, but what is it going to hurt from eating excessive fruits and vegetables?
Juice Plus+® Orchard and Garden Blend Chewables delivers the same fruit and vegetable powder blends as the Juice Plus+ capsules but in a tasty, soft chewable form. Its appealing taste comes from two all-natural sweeteners - tapioca syrup and organic cane syrup - with absolutely no high fructose corn syrup. Juice Plus+ Chewables contain no artificial flavors or artificial colors and are 100% vegetarian; the 'chewiness' comes from fruit pectins, not gelatin. Kids will also benefit from these chewables, Chaz & Brett loves them and sometimes I have to hide them so they don't eat them as candy, but what is it going to hurt from eating excessive fruits and vegetables?
Juice PLUS+® Soft. Si no le gustan las cápsulas hemos desarrollado los masticables Juice PLUS+® Soft. Como alternativa a las cápsulas, los masticables de Juice PLUS+® contienen el mismo polvo de fruta y verdura pero en un formato nuevo, blando y delicioso. También es una buena solución para los niños, (Chaz & Brett le encantan y a veces tengo que esconderselas para que no se las coman como un caramelo) aunque que daño puede haber en comer exceso de frutas y verduras? y así podrán también beneficiarse de los productos Juice PLUS+® de una forma más práctica. Hay masticables disponibles para las mezclas de fruta y verdura. Los suplementos nutricionales de Juice PLUS+® no contienen gluten, organismos modificados genéticamente ni conservantes artificiales. Además, sólo contienen sabores y colores naturales. Los polvos Juice PLUS+® están disponibles todo el año y son una respuesta efectiva a la disponibilidad estacional de las frutas y verduras. Esto nos permite llevar salud a tu casa, para un consumo regular. Es sencillo, efectivo, práctico.
We have some choices!! Podemos escoger cual nos gusta.
Here is one.... Aqui hay uno...
Juice Plus+® Orchard and Garden Blends provide added nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables, and grains in convenient capsule form. Each ingredient is specially selected to provide you with a wide range of nutritional benefits. Juice Plus+ is made from fresh, high quality fruits and vegetables, and is carefully tested to ensure that no pesticides or other contaminants affect the natural purity of the product.
Las cápsulas Juice Plus+® Mezcla de Frutas y Mezcla Vegetal proporcionan una ayuda para conseguir una dieta más sana. No obstante, para aquellas personas interesadas en productos nutritivos basados en alimentos integrales, Juice Plus+® ofrece varias soluciones alternativas para la nutrición basada en productos integrales.
Juice Plus+® Orchard and Garden Blends provide added nutrition from 17 different fruits, vegetables, and grains in convenient capsule form. Each ingredient is specially selected to provide you with a wide range of nutritional benefits. Juice Plus+ is made from fresh, high quality fruits and vegetables, and is carefully tested to ensure that no pesticides or other contaminants affect the natural purity of the product.
Las cápsulas Juice Plus+® Mezcla de Frutas y Mezcla Vegetal proporcionan una ayuda para conseguir una dieta más sana. No obstante, para aquellas personas interesadas en productos nutritivos basados en alimentos integrales, Juice Plus+® ofrece varias soluciones alternativas para la nutrición basada en productos integrales.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Because I care... did you know?
And I keep going with the same song... fruits & veggies.. but why? Because I care.
Did you know?
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for stroke and perhaps other cardiovascular diseases.
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce risk for type 2 diabetes.
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against certain cancers, such as mouth, stomach, and colon-rectum cancer.
Diets rich in foods containing fiber, such as fruits and vegetables, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
Eating fruits and vegetables rich in potassium as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and may help to decrease bone loss.
Eating foods such as vegetables that are low in calories per cup instead of some other higher-calorie food may be useful in helping to lower calorie intake.
So? What are you waiting for? JuicePlus+ is the best next thing and the easiest way to obtain all these.
Contact me if you need any additional information.
Did you know?
So? What are you waiting for? JuicePlus+ is the best next thing and the easiest way to obtain all these.
Contact me if you need any additional information.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Okay, today I am turning 44, do I look like 44? how does a 44 years old is supposed to look like? Today is about my birthday and feeling my age.
Many of us still are searching for the Fountain of Youth. We go to all extremes to look younger. We spend endless dollars on surgical face lifts to bioxin treatments. There are other methods, not as drastic, to assist in giving us a more youthful look, make us feel better about ourselves, and not as costly.
Also, looking younger is not always about great skin or a terrific body. Sometimes there are little things we can do to help us appear years younger than what we really are.
The # 1 - Eat a healthy, nutritious diet and drink water every day. You hear it all the time, you are what you eat. Proper nutrition is a key to looking your best and living a longer, healthy life and that is why the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans advises that adults should consume between 9-13 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day. But for most people, the expense, time, and effort to consume that many fruits and vegetables is just too great. Juice Plus+ helps us get closer to the goal of 9-13 servings a day by encapsulating the nutritional essence of 17 fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains for our convenience. It can’t get easier than this. Learn to have a positive, rather than negative attitude. The way you think, reflects on the way you look. Frowning causes wrinkles faster than smiling and makes you look less attractive. So, smile a lot. Young people have bright eyes and bright smiles. When you smile it can take years off instantly.
Exercise to improve your shape and muscle tone. Exercise to be fit, trim and feel great longer and of course feel younger.
If you want to appear younger, you have to dress young, but not too young. There is such a thing as going too far. Somebody should know when is too far...
Do not go to the old lady or man department. Stay in the juniors. Do not get carried away though. Keep it young, but not too young. If it looks good on a ten year old, it is not for you. Gggrrrr!!!
Look in current magazines and see what people are wearing, I do. Even if you do not think you can wear it, try it on. Youth is all about trying new things, taking chances and being spontaneous.
Play everyday, let loose your inner child. If you have children or grandchildren play with them watch their funny antics. Pets can also be a source of funny moments, but positive interactions with them also have a beneficial effect on you. Harmonise with your natural surroundings.
While many people would consider dressing in a younger fashion, to be a definite NO, it has been shown that if you look at the age group of 5-10 years younger than your current age, it frequently allows you to adopt the clothing styles and appear to be a younger individual by virtue of association. And that is why I wear and look good with skinny jeans. Plus, really... do I have to care what others think or say? This is how I feel..
I am happy and look young… eat healthy and get all my fruits and vegetables…
Thank you to all those friends and family who remembered me today "my" special day!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Get your family healthy - 75 cents a day?
Get your family healthy, or at least your kids. Flu season is on its way so order your Juice Plus+ today. Kids are free with an adult order (contact me for this to make sure we order them together) or you can just order for the kids for $22.75..........75 cents a day to get 17 fruits and veggies into our children. Lets prevent illness rather that worry and miss work when the illness comes.
Visit me and aske me any question you may have @
Prendi la tua famiglia sana, o almeno i tuoi figli. stagione influenzale è alle porte così ordina i Juice Plus+ oggi. I bambini sono gratuite con un ordine per adulti (contatto con me per questo per essere sicuri di loro ordine insieme) oppure si può semplicemente ordinare per i bambini di 22,75 dollari .......... 75 centesimi al giorno per ottenere 17 frutta e verdura nei nostri figli. Consente di prevenire la malattia, piuttosto che preoccuparsi e perdere il lavoro quando la malattia viene.
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